Wednesday 22 July 2015


There have been many observations of American influence on Australian language to date, but mostly there is significant influence on the younger generation. As Generation Y (those of us born from the 1980's to just before the 2000's) evolves into watching more and more television and spending more hours, online the common American idioms and phrases become interwoven in everyday vocabulary.

Studies show that Australian teens have already become accustomed to saying words and phrases like "flashlight" "sidewalk" "homeland security" "911" and "loser".

These words have been commonly labelled as Americanisms. There's probably something ironic about putting a label on it, don't you think?

Sunday 19 July 2015

International Influences on Australian English

The Americans have had a great impact on Australian culture and the use of our language and expressions from adopted TV shows, movies and music. As the USA has a population base of over 290 million, along with a strong and successful economy, it has meant that the American population has a great amount of money that is used for basic requirements, and that then therefore may be used to the luxuries of leisure and entertainment, hence the development of such a huge entertainment industry.

 American words and phrases have been buried into the Australian language often without us even knowing. Phrases and things like chill out, like totally, you go, girl, you're so busted. Also words such as "babe" "bro" "dude" "hoe" and  "homies"
The internet world also brings great influence from American computer companies such as Microsoft which uses spelling corrections so what we would know as colour they would use colour and what we would know as organisation they would know as organization.